Best Storage Options For Your Shovel

  • Time to read: 2 min.
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Keeping your garage, workshop, basement, shed, storeroom clutter-free and well-organized is good for your shovel and you. Most people hang their shovels vertically but lets take at look at all of the best storage options for your shovel.

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Vertical storage is best

Always avoid leaving your shovels or any other long gardening tools lying down or stacked horizontally. Long gardening tools are stored vertically to save space and make them easy to find and retrieve.

Shovels stored vertically will allow the water to drain down and off the shovel and protect the blade from rust and the handle from bending and warping. Warped handles and a rusty blade are not the greatest on a shovel or the user as the work becomes harder as the tool will not easily complete the task you want. Rust can kill plants and deteriorate any sharp edge that you have. and a warped handle will make the ergonomic force of digging off-center, causing you to work harder and may lead to back pain or injuries.

Wall organizer or pegboard

One of the most convenient and common ways of storing long tools like shovels is hanging them on a pegboard, wall organizer or rack on the wall, which has slots for hanging your devices in a neat and clean array.

Not only does it make everything very organized and easy to reach, but it also keeps your shovels off the ground and safe from any water or chemicals.

Floor mounted racks

Another option is a floor-mounted rack.  There are wheeled ones which you can move around or stationary ones in which you can stand your shovels vertically. 

The only downside of a floor-mounted frame is that you need to be aware of the distance between the floor and the end of your shovel.  If you experience flooding, how deep the water rises could be problematic.

Our top 3 choices for vertical storage solutions, available on Amazon, are in the table below. 

Storage Solutions For Your Shovel

Keeping your shovels organized and stored safely will help you easily access the tool you require to complete your task easily. 

Remember to clean your shovel prior to storing so that the integrity of the shovel is maintained. 

Check out our information guides for tips on the best methods of cleaning your shovel prior to storing them.

Part Man shoveling snow with blue plastic shovel

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