Kent Pattern Axe

  • Time to read: 4 min.
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The Kent pattern axe is a versatile tool used for centuries designed for chopping wood and other materials. One of the key features of the Kent pattern axe is its handle length. The handle is typically longer than a hatchet, allowing for greater leverage and more powerful swings, making it ideal for chopping larger wood pieces or felling trees.

Table of Contents

Origins of the Kent Pattern Axe

The Kent Pattern Axe is a type of axe that originated in Kent, England. It is a versatile tool used for centuries to fell trees, split wood, and shape timber. The design of the Kent Pattern Axe has evolved over time but has remained a popular tool among woodworkers and carpenters.

The Elwell company in England produced the first Kent Pattern Axes in the 19th century. Elwell was a well-known manufacturer of tools, and their Kent Pattern Axe quickly became popular due to its durability and versatility. Over time, the design of the Kent Pattern Axe evolved to meet the changing needs of woodworkers and carpenters.

One of the key features of the Kent Pattern Axe is its shape. The head of the axe is wider than the handle, allowing the user to have a greater swing and a more powerful strike. The axe’s blade is also curved, which helps guide the axe into the wood and makes it easier to split logs. The axe head is typically steel and has a sharp cutting edge used to chop through wood.

The axe is heavy enough to provide a powerful strike but not so heavy that it is difficult to wield. This balance between weight and maneuverability and the axes’ versatility has made the Kent Pattern Axe a popular tool among woodworkers and carpenters for generations. If you ever wondered whether an axe or hatchet is better, head over to our guide Axes vs. Hatchets – Which Is Better?

Design and Features

Axe Head

The Kent pattern axe is known for its unique axe head design. The head is elongated and curved, perfect for roughing and shaping wood. The blade is also relatively thin, which gives the user greater control over the axe when making precise cuts. In addition, the head is typically made from high-quality steel, ensuring it is durable and long-lasting.


The handle of the Kent pattern axe is typically made from ash wood. Ash is a dense, strong wood that is perfect for axe handles. The handle is typically around 28 inches long, which gives the user plenty of leverage when swinging the axe.


The Kent pattern axe is designed to be relatively lightweight, typically around 1.5 to 2 pounds, making it easy to swing and control and the lightweight design makes it perfect for roughing out and shaping wood, allowing the user to make precise cuts without the axe becoming too heavy or unwieldy.

Overall, the Kent pattern axe is a well-designed and versatile tool perfect for roughing out and shaping wood. Its unique head design, ash handle, and lightweight construction make it a popular choice among woodworkers and carpenters.

Uses of Kent Pattern Axes

Kent pattern axes are versatile tools for felling, hewing, and creating kindling.


One of the primary uses of Kent pattern axes is for felling trees. The sharp cutting edge of the axe can quickly and efficiently cut through the trunk of a tree. Here are some tips for felling a tree with a Kent pattern axe:

  • Start by making a horizontal cut on the side of the tree where you want the tree to fall.
  • Then, make a diagonal cut on the tree’s opposite side, angling it towards the horizontal cut.
  • Continue making cuts until the tree falls.


Another everyday use of Kent pattern axes is for hewing logs into beams or planks, which involves removing the bark and shaping the log into a flat surface. Here are some tips for hewing logs with a Kent pattern axe:

  • Begin removing the bark from the log using the axe.
  • Then, use the axe to make a series of cuts along the length of the log, removing small chips of wood with each cut.
  • Continue making cuts until the log is the desired size and shape.


Kent pattern axes are also helpful for chopping kindling for a fire. The sharp cutting edge of the axe can quickly chop through small branches and twigs. Here are some tips for chopping kindling with a Kent pattern axe:

  • Collect small branches and twigs that are dry and easy to chop.
  • Hold the branch or twig in one hand and the axe in the other.
  • Use a chopping motion to cut the branch or twig into smaller pieces.

Buying and Maintenance

Where to Buy Kent Pattern Axes

Kent Pattern Axes can be purchased from various online and brick-and-mortar stores. One popular online marketplace to buy these axes is Etsy, where several sellers offer Kent Pattern Axes in different sizes and styles. In addition, you can check your local hardware or outdoor supply store if you prefer to purchase from a physical store.

When purchasing a Kent Pattern Axe, it is crucial to ensure it is a genuine product. Look for the “Kent” stamp on the head of the axe to ensure that it is an authentic product.

Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance of your Kent Pattern Axe will ensure that it lasts many years. 

  • Keep the axe clean and dry when not in use to prevent rust.
  • Sharpen the blade regularly to maintain its cutting ability.
  • Store the axe in a cool, dry place to avoid damage to the handle.
  • Use the axe only for its intended purpose, and avoid using it on hard or rocky surfaces.

Final Thoughts

There are many options, whether purchasing a brand new Kent pattern axe or a vintage one. The Kent pattern axe is a tool that will last many years with its durable construction and versatile design.

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